SITE NAVIGATOR JEN GOVEY HOME NEWS/BLOG aSTORE F.A.Q.s CONTACT ACTORS ACTORS' AGENTS BOOKS CINEMAS CERTIFICATION CREW DIRECTORIES EMPLOYMENT FAMOUS FESTIVALS FILM GROUP FINANCE FUNDING GLOSSARY INDEPENDENT MUSIC NETWORKING NEWS ORGANISATIONS RESEARCH STUDIOS SCREENING TECHNICAL THE COUCH TRAINING SCREEN WRITERS WRITERS AGENTS GLOBAL FILM | The Actors Agencies and Talent Agents List This page was set up to enable film and television producers and casting agents to eaily find online theatrical agencies. Please also see the JenGo Actor's Database , which lists a selection of film, television and theatre actors with their website or profile link. PLEASE NOTE: If you are an actor seeking representation: Never call or e-mail a company, always make contact by letter via snail mail. When contacting an agent always write first enclosing a brief introductory letter, CV / Resume with photo and a showreel. Always enclose a stamped, self-addressed postcard to confirm reciept, and always provide a stamped, self-addressed envelope if you want a reply or your photo, CV/Resume and / or showreel returned. IMPORTANT!!!!!!! If you are an unestablished actor with not much experience or are lacking good profesional credits, please see the FAQs at the top of my ACTORS page on advice about starting out BEFORE contacting any of the theatrical agents listed here. This page is offline and to be updated soon, thank you. :) |